Hello, there, Schmurgaholics! I know many of you is clamering to know how was Schmurgen con 2: Birning ham International Comics Shendig! Well soon I will satisfy your anxiety! But first I gonna say a fer things about this site called Elephant words.
Elephants words is a grete website filled with uncompromising writing created by a talented man called Nikolai Pappycoconuts. There are six regular writers, and every sunday one of them posted a photo and then they all take turns to write a story based on the photo. Is cool, yes! And what's even cooler is that Schmurgen is one of the writers! I have been on the site for a while now, and I am planning to stay until they get sickened of me!
Anyway, last week it was my turn to post the photo, and I posted a picture of a comic convention so that I can write about schmurgen con! Of course as the siteis based around fiction I have did a fictionalised basis of Schmurgen con, but reas insured it is closer than the truth!
Click here to read about 'Jurgen Con too!'
Click here for list of all my elephatns!
Monday, 12 October 2009
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Schmurgen Con 2 is goooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
I haf good news for friends and fans of teh greatest comics convention experience in the entire UNIVERSE:
Yes. That is right my little dingkers - Schmurgen Con 2 is on.
EDIT: Even more good news. I haf made a poster!

As usual Schmurgen Con (2!) is hapening at the New Glob Pub in Mile End london. It is here, and very close to Mile End central tube line (don't use teh District line it is siht!)
Special guests are diffcult to organise in 24hours notice, but I think these people will come. Especially Nixsigt who is my boss on Elephant Words!
EDIT: David Bailie (I sleep on his coach) has been to tell me that since Schmurgen Con 2 is on Saturday I have more then 24hours to rganise. Which reminds me - it is his birthday this week. Also famose writer Leon Chewit. Also there will be three copies of new B/A.A.S.T.Ar.D.s Anthology by Dam Lester and Francesca Casaveti at Schmurgen Con. Only 3!!! Buy them while they are hot!
New poster:

EDIT: Also on sale will be my new comic entittled How To Make Comic Convention The Uncomrpomising Way. Will be sure to collectors iteam and worth billions when you are dead.
EDIT: Animation in this poste is NSFW! Do not watch if you at work. You will be fired! Oh. Too late.
Yes. That is right my little dingkers - Schmurgen Con 2 is on.
EDIT: Even more good news. I haf made a poster!

As usual Schmurgen Con (2!) is hapening at the New Glob Pub in Mile End london. It is here, and very close to Mile End central tube line (don't use teh District line it is siht!)
Special guests are diffcult to organise in 24hours notice, but I think these people will come. Especially Nixsigt who is my boss on Elephant Words!
EDIT: David Bailie (I sleep on his coach) has been to tell me that since Schmurgen Con 2 is on Saturday I have more then 24hours to rganise. Which reminds me - it is his birthday this week. Also famose writer Leon Chewit. Also there will be three copies of new B/A.A.S.T.Ar.D.s Anthology by Dam Lester and Francesca Casaveti at Schmurgen Con. Only 3!!! Buy them while they are hot!
New poster:

EDIT: Also on sale will be my new comic entittled How To Make Comic Convention The Uncomrpomising Way. Will be sure to collectors iteam and worth billions when you are dead.
EDIT: Animation in this poste is NSFW! Do not watch if you at work. You will be fired! Oh. Too late.
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